The Portraying Identity Art Exhibition

The Portraying Identity Art Exhibition has just started at the Denison Art Museum in Granville, Ohio, USA


The Denison Museum extends a special thanks to the Cincinnati Art Museum and Edward Khodorkovsky/American Fund for Ukrainian Reconstruction for their generous loans.


Exhibition’s visitors will be able to make electronic donations to help the people of Ukraine.


Explore the intricate portrayals of identity in our exhibition, where art serves as a mirror reflecting both self-perception and the way we view others. Featuring works from renowned and unknown artists alike, these paintings, prints, photographs, and sculptures capture a diverse range of subjects—rich and poor, young and old—each telling a unique story. As you engage with each piece, consider not only the identity of the sitter but also how these works resonate with your own experiences and the shared humanity we all possess. Through these powerful depictions, connect with both the individual stories presented and the broader dialogue on how we relate to ourselves and others.